Privacy policy

The access to the tourism portal of theCity Council of Banyeres de Mariola Town is anonymous.

Just to be able to access any of the web services that have specific management or procedures, users must supply the personal data essential for the provision of the requested service. Through this website, no personal data is collected without your knowledge, nor is it transferred to third parties.

In order to offer you the best service and to facilitate the use, we analyze the number of pages visited, the numbers of visits, as well as the activity of visitors and their frequency of use. For these purposes, the City Council of Banyeres de Mariola uses the statistical information prepared by the Internet Service Provider.

The City Council ofBanyeres de Mariola does not use cookies to collect information from users, nor does it register access IP addresses. Only own session cookies are used for technical purposes (those that allow the user to navigate through the website and use the different options and services that exist in it).

The portal owned bythe City Council of Banyeres de Mariola contains links to third-party websites, mainly from other public administrations, which are considered to be of interest to users, whose privacy policies are extraenous to that of the City Council of Banyeres de Mariola. By accessing such websites, you can decide whether to accept their privacy and cookie policies. In general, if you browse the Internet you can accept or reject third-party cookies from your browser’s settings.

Basic information on data protection

Below, we inform you about the data protection policy of the City Council of Banyeres de Mariola.

Responsible for the treatment

The personal data that could be collected directly from the interested party will be treated confidentially and will be incorporated into the corresponding treatment activity owned by the City Council ofBanyeres de Mariola.


The purpose of data processing corresponds to each of the treatment activities carried out by the City Council ofBanyeres de Mariola and which are accessible in the register of treatment activities.


The processing of your data is carried out for the fulfillment of legal obligations by the City Council of Banyeres de Mariola, for the fulfillment of missions carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred on the City Council of Banyeres de Mariola, as well as when the purpose of the treatment requires your consent, which must be provided through a clear affirmative action.

Data retention

The personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it is collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from the purpose, in addition to the periods established in the regulations on files and documentation.

Data communication

In general, personal data will not be communicated to third parties, except legal obligation, which may include communications to the National Statistics Institute, Banks, Social Security Organizations, Public Finance and Tax Administration, Judicial Bodies, Court of Accounts or regional equivalent, Savings Banks and Rural Savings Banks, Insurance Entities, Health Entities, Security Forces and Bodiesx State bodies and Autonomous Communities, when the communication of data can be carried out in accordance with article 6 of the RGPD regarding the legitimation of the treatment, interested in the procedures related to the claims presented and administrative procedures of the City Council of Banyeres de Mariola.

Collection of data from minors

The City Council does not authorize minors under the age of 14 to provide their personal data, either by filling in the web forms for the request for services, contact or by email.

Thus, those who provide personal data formally state that they are over 14 years of age. In relation to the collection of data from minors, aged between 14 and 18 years, the City Council, in no case, will collect economic data or information on other family members without the consent of the holders of the same.

Website images

The City Council, through its website, provides information on events, activities, etc. that involve the participation of citizens. On certain occasions, the information provided is accompanied by photographs and videos in which identified or identifiable people can be viewed who, as part of the dissemination of the news or event, are not intentionally disseminated.

In case the user recognizes himself in any of these photographs and does not want to appear in them, he can communicate it to us through the email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., attaching a copy of the document proving his identity, and referring to the section from the website where the image or video is located. In the case of minors under 14 years of age, the request must be made by the father, mother or legal guardian of the minor.

Rights of the interested parties

Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation about the processing of their data carried out by the City Council ofBanyeres de Mariola.

You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, limitation and opposition to its treatment, as well as not being subject to decisions based solely on the automated treatment of your data, when appropriate, before the City Council ofBanyeres de Mariola, Plaza L'Ajuntament, 1, 03450 Banyeres de Mariola-Alicante or at the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Right to complain to a supervisory authority: you can file a data protection complaint with the competent supervisory authority. To do this, contact the data protection authority of your place of residence or the data protection authority of our jurisdiction (cited below): Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD):

Social networks:

Social networks operating rulesCity Council of Banyeres de Mariola


Give visibility and dissemination of the municipal activities carried out in the City Council of Banyeres de Mariola.

1. Treatment of personal data: In services provided through tools such as Facebook, Tuenti, Myspace, Twitter., Instagram, etc., the City Council ofBanyeres de Mariola will not collect or carry out any treatment of personal data. These data will be stored on the servers of the respective services and will be governed by their own privacy policy.

2. Terms of use

• Everything established in point 2 of the General Conditions of Use of the social networks of the tourism office of the Municipality of Banyeres de Mariola:

• Do not publish information that does not meet the requirements of truthfulness, public interest and respect for the dignity of people

• Do not record or publish images, videos or any other type of registration without the consent of the people affected. Keep in mind that if we can publish whenever: the events thus published could be considered newsworthy events in which the existence of a public interest is manifested in order to make them known to the community.

• The City Council of Banyeres de Mariola does not identify with the opinions expressed by others or with the ideology of the profiles with which they are friends on any social network

• The City Council ofBanyeres de Mariola reserves the right to remove from its social networks any information published by others that violates legality, encourages them to do so, or contains messages that threaten the dignity of individuals or institutions, as well as blocking or reporting the author profile of these messages.

3. Recommendations to users

• Review and read the general conditions of use and the privacy policy of the social network when registering.

• Learn the configuration and use possibilities that the network offers.

• Properly configure the degree of privacy of the user profile of the social network.

• Do not post excessive information about your personal and family life.

• Be careful with the publication of audiovisual and graphic content on your profile, especially if images relating to third parties will be hosted.

• Do not offer third party data in your space without their prior consent.

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